About the show

Welcome! If you want to hear writing tips from the big names, the medium names, and everyone else, look no further.

As a blogger, vlogger, and actively querying fantasy author, I am addicted to attending all the writing panels a person could possibly attend at a convention. We're talking about attending upwards of 25 hours of panels in 3 days.

Fortunately for you? I love sharing my copious notes.

But, I also get real. I share my writerly musings: my struggles, my failures, and... hopefully, my writing successes.

Thanks for listening.

  • Morgan Hazelwood

Writing Tips and Writerly Musings on social media


  • Using Unsafe Places to Propel Your Characters Forward

    November 15th, 2021  |  Season 3  |  6 mins 57 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, writers, writing, writing tips

    Places can be unsafe due to the environment itself, or because of the people in the place. Sometimes? Home is the unsafe place. And it can be unsafe because of external factors, or because of internal ones. And old age is a very unsafe place.

    When fate is against you, no place is safe.

  • Gender 401 (for the writer)

    November 8th, 2021  |  Season 3  |  8 mins 2 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, writers, writing, writing tips

    Explaining gender, ways genre fiction can improve, authors who don't do badly, and things we could see more of. [Aimed at a cis audience - challenging us to do better for those whose gender identities weren't just handed to them at birth]

  • Writing As Sanctuary

    November 1st, 2021  |  Season 3  |  12 mins 25 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, writers, writing, writing tips

    A discussion exploring the motivations behind people’s writing and reoccurring themes in one's writing, either intentionally or unintentionally.

  • Writer Confessions

    October 25th, 2021  |  Season 3  |  9 mins 29 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, writers, writing, writing tips

    In which Morgan struggles to accept her own limits, acknowledges the truth of being a plantser, the use of novel prep work, discusses writing sprints, and rewards.

  • 4 Tips For Writing Memoirs

    October 18th, 2021  |  Season 3  |  5 mins 6 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, memoir, writers, writing, writing tips

    Memoirs are not quite novels, but they are far from biographies. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your memoir.

  • Finding Your Pace: A Writer's Struggle

    October 11th, 2021  |  Season 3  |  9 mins 3 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, nanowrimo, writers, writing, writing tips

    Some writers are sprinters, some are marathoners, and some are hikers who will reach the end, someday. Finding the pace that works for you, for your current story, for your current life situation is crucial.

  • So You've Decided To Write A Novel? 7 Tips For Getting Started

    October 4th, 2021  |  Season 3  |  10 mins 55 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, nanowrimo, writers, writing, writing tips

    Whether you’ve just decided it’s finally time to write that book you’ve been thinking about on your own or you’ve been bit by the NaNoWriMo bug, starting a novel can be intimidating!

    It doesn’t matter if you’re a pantser (writing by the seat of your pants), a plotter, or something in between, there’s still stuff you can do to prepare yourself before you start writing.

  • My 5 Biggest Misconceptions About Submitting Short Stories

    September 27th, 2021  |  Season 3  |  9 mins 48 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, writers, writing, writing tips

    Submitting short stories is a LOT different than querying a novel -- even if you're looking for so-called traditional publishing.

  • Wasn't I an Extrovert?

    September 20th, 2021  |  Season 3  |  5 mins 13 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, writers, writing, writing tips

    The past couple of years, I’ve noticed a trend -- in myself. I’ve been wanting to stay home and not deal with going out.
    But wait, I thought I was an extrovert.

    My entire identity has fallen into crisis!

  • What I Love Most About Writing

    September 13th, 2021  |  Season 3  |  7 mins 31 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, writers, writing, writing tips

    Sometimes, when you’re stuck at some writing stage for too long, it can be hard to remember why you started this thing in the first place. So, here are the 10 things I love most about being a writer.

  • The 4 Components Necessary To Bring A Scene To Life

    September 6th, 2021  |  Season 3  |  6 mins 9 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, writers, writing, writing tips

    When writing, we all strive to bring our scenes to life, but it’s easy to forget a component. Scenes need action, setting, sensory descriptions, and emotional impact.

  • How To Beta-Read: One Writer's Style

    August 30th, 2021  |  Season 3  |  7 mins 53 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, writers, writing, writing tips

    I almost entitled this “Beta-Reading: For Fun and Profit” but… I don’t profit. At least not monetarily. Anyhow, here's my technique for beta-reading that seems to keep my writing friends coming back for more.