Episode Archive

205 episodes of Writing Tips and Writerly Musings since the first episode, which aired on August 20th, 2020.

  • A Starter's Guide For Fiction Writers Trying To "Establish A Social Media Presence": Part 2/6

    February 22nd, 2021  |  Season 2  |  13 mins 24 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, social media, writers, writing, writing tips

    If you want to be a writer, the ubiquitous “they” tell you that you need to “Establish a Social Media Presence”, but so much of the advice out there is aimed at Non-fiction writers.

    Non-fiction writers sell books based on establishing their expertise in a particular area.

    Fiction writers? We sell books based on the story, the writing, and word-of-mouth.

    So how do we make social media work for us?

    In Part 2 - I talk about setting up a website and the decision to blog.

  • A Starter's Guide For Fiction Writers Trying To "Establish A Social Media Presence": Part 1/6

    February 15th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  13 mins 32 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, social media, writers, writing, writing tips

    If you want to be a writer, the ubiquitous “they” tell you that you need to “Establish a Social Media Presence”, but so much of the advice out there is aimed at Non-fiction writers.

    Non-fiction writers sell books based on establishing their expertise in a particular area.

    Fiction writers? We sell books based on the story, the writing, and word-of-mouth.

    So how do we make social media work for us?

    In Part 1 - I talk about my personal approach to establishing a 'brand'

  • Why You Should Consider An Agent If You're Hoping To Be Traditionally Published

    February 8th, 2021  |  Season 2  |  11 mins 50 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, writers, writing, writing tips

    You can only spend so long revising and editing a novel. Somewhere between revision 3 and revision 12, you’re probably going to be done with your book. But now what?

    If you want to get your novel traditionally published, you’re gonna need to query some agents. But why?

    In today's episode, I'm answering your burning questions: What are your publishing options? What are the benefits of having an agent? Where do you find an agent? And more!

  • Fix Your Rough Draft In 30 Minutes Or Less!

    February 1st, 2021  |  Season 2  |  6 mins 15 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, writers, writing, writing tips

    Getting a rough draft out on paper is a monumental achievement... but then? You've got to polish it. By using this trick, you'll be all set to have a clear plan to fix that rough draft in about 30 minutes.

  • Morgan's 2021 Resolutions

    January 22nd, 2021  |  Season 1  |  14 mins 43 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, resolutions, writers, writing, writing tips

    Last year was a year of querying/submitting, revisions, reading, and networking.

    This year? The goal is publication! Yet again, I need to refocus on what will get me there.

  • 3 Things To Consider... BEFORE 'Fixing' Your Manuscript

    January 18th, 2021  |  Season 1  |  7 mins 4 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, editing, querying, writers, writing, writing tips

    How Do You Please Everyone With Your Writing? Spoiler Alert: You can’t.

    In the query trenches, you see agents posting about what they don’t want and there’s this knee-jerk reaction, when I recognize a trope from my writing in their ‘no thank you’ list. The feeling of, “Oh! I can fix it! And then you’ll love it!” Especially when you see so much of your story in their ‘please send me’ list. But, before you do, listen to this episode where I discuss 3 reasons NOT to 'fix' your manuscript.

  • 5 Ways To Use The Moon As World-Building Inspiration

    January 11th, 2021  |  Season 1  |  5 mins 44 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, world-building, writers, writing, writing tips

    When you look at our history books and the artifacts that exist from prehistory, there’s a definite trend. Humanity has always looked upwards. From Stonehenge to the Pyramids in Maya and Egypt and elsewhere, to China’s Puyang Tomb and its mosaic of constellations, the moon and stars have always inspired us. In this episode, I discuss 5 aspects of world building the moon can influence.

  • Morgan's 2020 Retrospective

    January 8th, 2021  |  Season 1  |  28 mins 52 secs
    books, critique, goals, resolutions, retrospective, writers, writing, writing tips

    I had a lot of SMART goals set for 2020. Let's see how I did with my writing resolutions, check my top viewed content on all my different sources, and -- for my own sake -- talk numbers and stats for my social media. While not strictly writing related, a writer's platform can be pretty useful.

  • So You're In The Editing Doldrums Again?

    January 4th, 2021  |  Season 1  |  5 mins 25 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, editing, writers, writing, writing tips

    After you’ve written your novel and revised the BLEEP out of it, one thing remains: To edit your manuscript! In this episode, I share 5 sites that can help.

  • 3 Reasons NOT To Set New Years Resolutions -- and Why I Did

    December 30th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  7 mins 14 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, goals, retrospectives and resolutions, writers, writing, writing tips, year end

    Goals aren’t for everyone. Goals in January? Even less so. In this episode, I talk about why sometimes? Setting goals is just setting ourselves up for failure. You need to take a good hard look at where you are, where you want to go, and what stands in your way.

  • Morgan's 2020 Resolutions

    December 29th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  19 mins 20 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, goals, retrospectives and resolutions, writers, writing, writing tips, year end

    In this flashback episode, I share what my plans for 2020 were. As we all know... NOTHING happened like I'd expected.

  • Morgan's 2019 Retrospective

    December 28th, 2020  |  Season 1  |  34 mins 39 secs
    beta-reading, books, critique, goals, retrospectives and resolutions, writers, writing, writing tips, year end

    In this flashback episode, I share what my plans for 2019 were... and the realities.